Planting Treasure

Ultimate Treasure Hunting
Presenting the Gospel
Making Disciples
Planting Churches

Just an idea for now

Matthew 28:18-20
And Jesus came and said to them, 
“All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age.”

One of the problems with the modern church is that we read this as “Go therefore and make converts of all nations.” Conversion is only one part of the process. Jesus wants us to make disciples. The aim of this site is help you do just that.

A few years ago, an exciting new method of evangelism came out of a California church. It’s called Ultimate Treasure Hunting. It involves listening to God for clues about people He wants you to encounter. You and a small group of others go out to where you believe God is leading you, and look for people that match your clues. You then “pray for healing, blessing, encouragement, comfort, or (ask them) to invite Christ
into their heart.”

The main problem with this method is that there is no true Gospel message presented.

Kevin Dedmon, in his book, The Ultimate Treasure Hunt, also concludes that the goal is to make disciples, but implies that getting them into a church (the Treasure Chest) is how to disciple them. This site will teach how to make disciples that make disciples.

I also have another beef with the modern Gospel message. It focuses on the love of God, but leaves out the wrath of God. It teaches us to believe the Gospel, but not to repent. This site will also teach how the preachers of the past preached the Gospel. See Ray Comfort’s Hell’s Best Kept Secret for more information. We’ll conclude with making disciples and planting churches using Discovery Bible Studies or T4T.

But to start everything off, we need to pray.

Stay tuned

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